"Tango Couple Seeking"

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First exclusive event "BPT": accomplished in one night what it takes months.

Evento BPT

How will the event?
It will be an original and fun night, between men and women, similar to a milonga. Where you can dance with people who are "the same as you" Finding a pair of tango to continue making progress in his art, whether amateur or professional.

Who is targeted?
To all roles .Both: driver / a, driven / a. All levels and ages (prior to the event, so we organize dances for people with your same profile and aspirations)

Why we do this event?
As you know, get tango couple is very important to be able to make further progress in dancing and so close to your goals, whatever: improve your technique, to compete, do shows, ir a casting, etc.

However, also you know as, artfully matched with someone takes time, energy and cost (transfers, room rental, etc) Good, why this event:

For what, which takes you MONTHS, you succeed in 1 NIGHT: Dancing with several / as dancers / as, they are in the same search as you…

All good, but how it will be? What's up?
Tranqui, It will be a game, funny, after the aim of the event. As pre-registration is required (see section Registration) We will arrange to have, when you arrive you, have a card with the names of the other dancers / as attending. So, They will rotate, after dancing around tanguitos, methods to dance with todes.

Every time you circules, and before you meet your next partner, marcaras, without being seen by anyone, with a tick, it will mean "think it might be my tango partner" or a cross, it would "not think compatibilicemos artistically" The other person will do the same (without you see your card) Then, you return to save the scorer, and you are dancing with the / the following. A) Yes, until dances with all / as, according to your interest (see section Registration)

So, when you finish dancing with all / as, You will deposit your card (nobody saw) in an urn. Then, enjoy a show that we, raffles, etc. tests our empanadas, drinks (at promotional prices) Y, ending event, dance freely about tanguitos, enjoying with friends and girlfriends.

But, What happened to my card and mailbox?
Tranqui, Now comes "The tanguero cupido" In the following days, we will put all the cards on the table, and see who had artistic coincidence. That is to say, who you liked dancing and, if the other person the same framework has formed a tango couple! You could have 1 coincidence or more. Everything is possible…

Our next step will communicate via mail, who they had coincidence and / as get in touch. Y, from there, follow you: coordinate trials, attend classes, futuros shows, competences, etc.

More information: click here