Weekend, more of 150 dancers went through the auditorium of the Usina del Arte to compete for a place on the podium of competition.
Tango Championship came to an end and, after passage of the 950 registered by the track, City already has its champions in all categories. The winners are Tango Adult Track Ariel Taritolay Y Ailin Rutchleand Senior,July Maidan and Andrea Fernández Acerbi. The four already have secured the final place of Tango Buenos Aires Festival and World, to be held at the legendary Luna Park and participate tangueros worldwide.
Dancers who managed to get on the podium from second to fifth place went straight to the Dance World Cup Semifinal under the BA Tango Festival. They are: Tony Barrios and Silvia Fassio, Alejandro Montes de Oca and María Inés Boots, Alberto Barsellini and Lis Dorin, Ianni and Stephanides with Flor Martinez Sanchez, by Senior subcategory. Side of Adults, they were: Jhonny Carvajal and Laura Sosa, Federico Ibañez and Nuria Lazo, Facundo Figueroa Barrionuevo and Aldana, and Leonel Mendieta with Natalia Hassan.
The other category whose champions classified BA Tango Festival live and was Milongueros World World and those who already have a place in the Semifinal areJulian Andrade and
Paula Emerick. As for Milonga, the winners are Fernando Jorge Silva and Alexandra Baldaque, and Vals category, Leonel Mendieta and Natalia Hassan, stayed with the glory.
The audience filled the auditorium of the Usina three days to encourage their favorites and also enjoy the music of Alberto Bianco with the guitars of Tony Gallo and live exhibitions of teachers Laila Resk and Leandro Oliver and former champions of Tango Track adult category 2016, Silvana Prieto and Matías Batista.
Congratulations to the champions this weekend, where tango was the protagonist.
More information: http://festivales.buenosaires.gob.ar/