Call for fair BA Tango products

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It is now open the call to participate in one of the traditional attractions of BA Tango Festival and World.

BA Tango Product Fair

Traditional Products Fair Festival deploy its variety of proposals in the Usina of Art in La Boca neighborhood between 10 and the 19 August 2019.

They may appear to move around the Tango and integrate their cultural universe craft creative industries and sectors: record companies and publishing materials, clothing and special footwear, product design and functional objects inspired in spirit.

Products Fair's main purpose is to reach the mass audience production of small and medium entrepreneurs.

They may register to participate ventures with business address in CABA and submit proposals via the online form before the 10 July 2019, which they will be evaluated by the selection committee of BA TANGO. quality be taken into account, viability and quantity of proposals. Registration does not guarantee participation.

Each entrepreneur selected to participate in the Fair of Products TANGO BA must respect the conditions of use of the allocated space and pay the fee provided for in the current tariff law. Only may submit a proposal for space and no space may be shared by different firms.

Proposals by completing the online form.

Registration form

Date: until the 10 July 2019.

consultations: [email protected].
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