The other tango: feminist, with changed roles and gender

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An international festival, They seek to build an inclusive space for the macho culture in one of the most impregnated artistic environments.

tango female
Show. It will be held at the Warehouse B of the neighborhood of San Cristobal, Fridays 6 and Saturday 7 March next. PHOTO: MORO DEVIL

the biaba, Kindly, King's Night, PEOPLE SAY, and wet towel, among others, are some of the classic tangos that refer to gender violence. In its letters the authors reflect a society in which man is not only presented as "the dominant male" that, top it was well regarded, but that it also showed women as victims.

They are not few letters that refer to the abandonment or betrayal by them. It was, definitely, a theme that remained for decades in the local tango scene to the point that invisibilizó, except some notable exceptions and, professional development of women. Among those who suffered this kind of violence, both above and below the scenes, listed from composers, singers, music and even dancing. This perspective, and to counter this situation dominated by a culture that qualifies tango "macho", It was formed 'Tango female', tangueras a group of women who aimed to build a more equitable and inclusive place within the rhythm of the 2 x 4.

One of the tools used by this group is the realization of the Feminist International Tango Festival Female, which aims to promote cultural and artistic work of women creating opportunities for growth in a field hegemonized by men. the meeting, which will be the second, It will be held the next 6 Y 7 March in Galpón B -Cochabamba 2536- with free admission.

During 48 San Cristobal hours will dance with changing roles, solo concerts, orchestras and instrumental groups composed of women. He also read and explain the new protocol for milongas and women presented books related to the tango scene, such as Vanina woman look Steiner; Formosa Anahi Perez Pavez and Queer Tango Mariana Docampo.

further, You will be talks on the actions taken by the National Institute of Music (Inamu) on gender issues. The women's group, which it was organized by singer Marisa Vazquez, not only it is characterized by denouncing employment discrimination, but also to rethink the lyrics of the tango from the gender perspective. its organizer, PROFILE assured that "the name of the group was born as a mocking response to the letter that says 'that tango is macho'". "The authors made tangos by ugly women, hooters, skinny, vixens, and chorras.

We were also killed in 34 stab wounds while we caressed and even, poets wrote tangos in person where we asked to be beaten by love. Crazy, that can only fit in the imagination of the 'Argentine male'. Lettristic of the tango has a great debt to women ", Vazquez says, regarding the subject of some classic tangos. In this sense, singer-songwriter that the lyrics of the tangos that make up today's composers have the determination to say the same as men. "We do not flaunt violence. We are not interested.

We prefer to tell stories that we live now, either with a man, the neighborhood, with the city. My lyrics have to do with the vision of a free woman, this is like my case ", adds.

Asked about the possibility to sing or not, Vazquez said that "we must continue singing them, but we explain that a time are very different from today, arising as a story of a society that was normal beating women ".

Meanwhile, Patricia Malanca, composer, tango singer with feminist and female intregrante perspective Tango, notes that "in the atmosphere of the tango culture in which man is the dominant male is generated, displacing women. We always said that women were not good for the tango, who did not play well. It was something in the gene of the tango and, in many cases, still remains. A male will put together a speech that lasted for years ".

Regarding their compositions, Malanca, singing tangos from 13 years,  He explained that his lyrics "have an obligation to tell other stories, That's why I write the new woman, the girls in the future. Sing to El Farolito, Pompeii flooded, are references to an era that is not current. The woman does not have to be competitive with man, You not have to search the attributes of the man to exist or compete in the world. The idea of ​​thinking for the future is that the woman in this world exists, have their spaces ", Complete the composer of tangos plebeian and Curls. Meanwhile, Veronica Bellini, pianist and composer, I lettered he argues that "show the other side of the tango, I was a little hidden.

They are going on that are very strong and I try to reflect them in my compositions, one of them is the tango, no less. Tangos with respect to gender, there is no intension per se do, in my case I have been doing for years. It is a subject that has to do with the vision of an ordinary woman, to things like that happen to everyone ", says the creator of China women's orchestra Cruel.

Neither victims nor victimizers

Diana Etchepare*

I'm not against female or feminist tango. I just resist the aim of these moves that aim to reduce all human expression, artistic and aesthetic political correctness. Bring to the tango as a synonym for sexism, and invent a feminist tango, is "turn the tables" and reduce our identity to a war of powers because it seeks not point or correct any conduct, but rather occupy the role which, ostensibly, lead. Reducing the tango to the victim-offender relationship, It is not the same as equality review, to impose the superiority of the female criminalizing or restricting artistic expression. The tango song was an artistic expression, genuine and spontaneous seeking to reflect the sorrows or not, of those who interpreted. It is part of our history and identity. The traditional tango should be preserved, care and is valued because heritage of our history and identity, and it is difficult to sustain in a context of extreme violence masquerading as progressivism.

* Producer and Artistic Director.  

our revolution

Anahi Perez Pavez *

a decade ago began to dance tango and wrote about it in my novel Formosa: "Before the milonga he went to the Faculty of Social, badly he dressed and walked without makeup or dye. I not want to look woman. I bristled tango. My lanky figure was revealed upright. I wanted to be a woman because waltzes, to embrace and brand ". After the feminist tsunami in recent years, I find my narrator transformed, but no longer enjoy the role conducted, but by the publication of his voice. To say: "I like this", "I enjoy this", "in this way, yes". Y, even more, after to say: "I do not like this", "in this way, no”. "I do not want".

Because our feminist revolution is not just speak out for justice, Report damage or cry Listen, but to narrate and finally document a time from our perspective. To narrate a history of empowerment as I did in Formosa or new stamp archetypes, as Marisa Vazquez in his tango: "I'm the one who shook off the mandates. The mine that sends you at work ".

Because not only do we write, compose, we interpret, we produce, we played and we danced. further, we publish our own books where the rod that legitimizes us is no longer a penis but the look of another woman. Vanina like Steiner in his Mirada de Mujer, which compiles tangos contemporary music and their biographies or like Mariana Docampo who in his book Tango Queer realizes how he founded the most disruptive move this time.

* writer. Author of the book Formosa.

Source: Claudio Remesso – – 29 February 2020