El Viejo Almacen

  • Post category:Cambalache

The history of the traditional redoubt tanguero.

El Viejo Almacen
Image: “Ancient City Photos Bs. As.”

San Telmo, typical corner of Buenos Aires, has like no other the purest characteristics of the old city. Walking its streets you can see that its old houses resist the passage of time. And so we come to a corner of the soul, Balcarce and Independence, Corner internationally recognized for hosting the most traditional tango house, the pioneer and, who knows, the one that has conserved the most over the years, the identity of Tango: THE OLD WAREHOUSE.

The building dates back to the end of the 18th century, more precisely a year 1769 in the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata where it functioned in its early years as a field warehouse.

Over the years 1840 expands its capacity and becomes the British Hospital where in June 1844 Buenos Aires knows for the first time the use of ether in a surgical operation performed by Dr.. Mackena.

Over the years 1850 Y 1860 the General Customs of the Nation functioned. For that period, the corner of Maple (currently Independence) and Concepción (Balcarce) it was not a place that could be linked to culture and entertainment. Conversely, while the Paraguayan war unfolded (1865-1868), the building was used to shelter combatants who were injured or sick.

Towards the end of the last century the city grew with the arrival of immigrants from all over the world mixing with our Creoles and of that union through these suburbs, tango is born.
At the beginning of the century the enclosure was acquiring its current appearance, that run by Mrs. Paula Kravnik of Russian origin, who was nicknamed "The Volga", began to be frequented by bohemian people to meet popular music.

In the year 1969, Edmundo Leonel Rivero turned it into a "Temple of Tango", From that moment on, EL VIEJO ALMACÉN was the obligatory appointment of the best expressions of city music.

Great exponents of Tango came to this place: Anibal Troilo, Osvaldo Pugliese, Roberto Goyeneche among many others, they scattered their talents, that were appreciated and applauded by countless personalities among which were King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía of Spain, Presidents of different nations of the World and many other personalities who made it possible for the fame of EL VIEJO ALMACÉN to transcend beyond our country.

In 1977 its demolition was planned and the writer Ernesto Sábato was one of the notable people who opposed this decision. Although the entire project was not completed, 140m² of the building were removed during the expansion of Avenida Independencia
In the year 1982 the Honorable Deliberative Council of the City of Buenos Aires, declared A SITE OF CULTURAL INTEREST TO EL VIEJO ALMACEN reflecting the dictation of said ordinance No. 50399, the cultural importance of the house.

In 1993 had to close its doors due to financial problems, but at the beginning of the year 1996 Reopened by the businessman Luis H. Veiga who decides to turn the traditional tanguería into a gastronomic complex of international level with the best traditional tango show in Buenos Aires.

"It was a spoiled corner, wall without ochava, friends landfall, of bohemians and tours ".

Source: https://www.viejoalmacen.com.ar/