Avenue 9 July opened with tango and foxtrot

  • Post category:Cambalache

The inauguration of the first five blocks took place on Tuesday 12 October 1937.

Av Inaguración. 9 of July
Credit: General Archive of the Nation.

The great transformation of the city of Buenos Aires, in 1936, He joined while one of its permanent symbols: the obelisk. Had widened Corrientes and Diagonal Norte exposed the most modern architectural challenges, but the whole lacked the avenue that would unite the north with the south, a project that came from thinking themselves 1889.

The Mayor Mariano de Vedia and Miter, instructions from the President of the Nation, The general (and engineer) Agustin P. Fair, put to work to insert the 9 July in the layout of the center. Since March 1937, and for just over seven months, expropriations were performed five blocks, their demolition and preparation of an artery of twenty meters wide, only in its central part, which would connect the avenues Montes de Oca (to the south) con Alem (today Libertador, to the north).

Aesthetics was not neglected. Four new sector sources adorned the Japanese cherry trees were planted and, ceibos, y timbó species jacaranda. For the occasion, also, embanderó the center of the city.

The opening of those first five blocks, between Miter and Tucumán, It took place on Tuesday 12 October 1937, day holiday for the anniversary of the discovery of America by decree of Hipolito Yrigoyen is called, from 1917, “Day of race”.

Its magnitude, the work aroused great expectation. The media christened “the widest avenue in the world” by the fact exceed twenty meters of the Bois de Boulogne, from Paris; and they estimated that one hundred thousand people arrived from different parts of the city and surrounding areas to witness the inauguration. It is clear that the width appreciate, the two parallel streets are also considered, Cerrito and Carlos Pellegrini.

For the Act six boxes were installed. In which was marked with the letter A microphone connected to loudspeakers so that the words of Justo -concurrió accompanied by the First Lady Ana Bernal was placed- reach all attendees. In a next box stood the president of the Benevolent Society, Carmen framework of the Pont de Rodriguez Larreta, great-grandmother of the current head of government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

The ceremony began at a quarter to twelve, but the festive atmosphere had begun before. President's speech was much celebrated, as well as the release of a thousand doves. Then, General toured the avenue on foot, situation complicated the task of those responsible for custody.

Along with the mayor, They visited the underground parking, Another novelty of the day. A new ovation dismissed the presidential couple when the convertible car broke in Corrientes toward the home of the couple in Federico Lacroze Avenue. The president waved standing, waving his hat, while he is receiving a rain delicate flowers from neighboring balconies.

A retiring authorities, the party took greater proportion thanks to the number of concurrent that would multiply as the hours passed and the good spring weather that accompanied the day. Corrientes Avenue, cut traffic, It became a pedestrian to human tide enjoyed the ride and the majesty of the obelisk.

At five o'clock in the evening there was a concert by the municipal band. At seven, various musical ensembles together in different blocks were given.It was when the newborn Avenue 9 Julio became an attractive dance floor rather than well-lit to the delight of enthusiasts of the foxtrot and tango. Unexpectedly, Augustine reappeared P. Fair and Ana Bernal, who wanted to enjoy the night view. The attraction of the evening were two shields, national and municipal, fourteen meters high, five thousand compounds with colored bulbs. In the asphalted road, enthusiasm made, even though that him 13 October was a weekday, the music sounded until one o'clock.

Notably absent Atilio Dell'Oro Maini was, Secretary of Finance of the Municipality, who he was in charge of the project. He missed for health reasons, but a few days later, and recovered from his ailment, He toured the stables by car. That same afternoon began planning the realization of the new section, between Miter and Belgrano, Avenue that was proud of our grandparents Buenosaireans.

Source: Daniel Balmaceda – The nation – 22 October 2019