The history of tango “Caminito”

  • Post category:Cambalache

He was born in a small village called La Rioja Olta, picturesque village of Los Llanos located 170 kilometers from the provincial capital, with just over 7000 population, but only he had about 500 when the young poet Gabino Coria Peñaloza was dazzled by a young lady of good family.

The narrow street in La Boca did not inspire the mythical poem

Por Gladys background

Los Llanos de La Rioja are characterized by an arid and poor region, but Olta differs from other towns in the area because it is in a valley surrounded by low mountains with some vegetation and because it receives pure water coming down from the broken. Its springs are jubilant aromas and colors of native plants from extolling its virtues.

The year 1902. She called Mary. The poet, Gabino Coria Peñaloza. For their fates crossed nature became involved. Gabino was traveling from Chilecito to San Luis when a great flood of the river left him stranded for several days in Olta. Hosted by family receives an invitation to a gathering at the home of a distinguished family of the place. There was a grand piano, the first of the province arrived from Chile mule. The poet, sensitized to the majestic instrument, He asked the hostess to play something. And he called Mary, teacher, music teacher and member of a prominent family. Mutual enchantment was inevitable and triggered a passion. It took a few days and “Caminito friend” witnessed that hot and furtive love. When the river returned to its channel, the boy continued to travel and, by the way, He promised to return.

At the end of a year he returned for her, but Mary was gone. His family, which strongly opposed the relationship because the girl was engaged to a military Olta, He had decided to move it to another location. They say carrying a child in her womb. Given the skepticism of the people reveal their whereabouts, Gabino leaves Olta ruminating his sadness. Torn by grief, poet pours his soul into the mythical poem all its misery, giving humanity “Caminito”, in humble and verses imperishable. El Caminito de Coria Peñaloza was a rural trail two kilometers that was born in Olta and died in the town of Loma Blanca. It is the Gabino transited to meet his love and who cradled his fiery romance and frustrated to the side of a ditch rumorosa.

Before excelling with his poetic talent, the young man who loved music, poetry and journalism, He had been a tax collector. To the 15 years, moved by the concern of his bohemian soul, He decides to leave home to settle in Buenos Aires, where he began working for various publications. In the famous magazine Caras y Caretas published his poems. Worship and sociable, shares in the artistic world, cafetines and tangos with Carlos Gardel, Quinquela Martin, Juan de Dios Filiberto and other kings of the night. It was Quinquela who introduced Filiberto and Gabino in the street Florida, making possible the miracle poetic-musical.

A narrow street in the neighborhood of La Boca is named Caminito in homage to the tango. Peñaloza did not approve the event, because the path that inspired his verse was far away. Here comes the confusion. Many believe that the poet was inspired by the street of La Boca.

After many years of intense life in the big city, Gabino decides to retire with his wife Chilecito. There he lived for more than 40 years. Always in love with the landscape, at the foot of eternal snowy hill Famatina death surprised the 95 years, surrounded by poems and roses under the blue sky of the October Chilecito. “Since they left, He never returned, Caminito friend, I'm leaving too”.

Source: La Nacion newspaper