Legends Tango Dance

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Legends Tango Dance It brings us the testimony and art of great milongueros of Buenos Aires who have left their mark on the history of Buenos Aires salons. Popular dance artists receive recognition and admiration of the whole world.

A journey through the history and legacy document these great figures through the memory of its beginnings on the slopes, preferred orchestras, the beloved neighborhood clubs and milongas, the formation of a particular style and anecdotes sinmúmero.

They are, Mayoral and Elsa Maria, Chinese Perico, Nito and Elba, Facundo Posadas, Hector Chidichimo, Coca and Osvaldo, Raul Bravo, Flaco Dany, Carlos and Rosa Pérez, Martha and Manolo, Gloria and Eduardo, Carlos and Maria Rivarola, Tete Rusconi and Nene Masci.

Documentary produced by The Argentine Tango Society. Year 2014.
Address: Daniel Tonelli – Marcelo Turrisi.

More information: http://theargentinetangosociety.org