World Tango: how the couple formed by Argentina and a Russian crowned champions met

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The distance between Rio Grande, Land of Fire, where Piaggio born Agustina, and Moscow, where much of his life he lived Maksim Gerasimov, is almost 15.500 kilometers. They arrived to become the champions of the most popular dance contest Buenos Aires was not because of a promo airfare but by the passion of this pair of millennials 28 years has tango.

BA Tango champions 2019 tango Tennis
Agustina Piaggio and Maksin Gerasimov met in Rome and dance together for three years
Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

Champions last night Tango category Tennis editing they devoted themselves 2019 World Tango Festival and Buenos Aires, what, as every year, It was held at Luna Park. Buenos Aires authentic ritual, the final of this event is a celebration of the milongueros, although the competition, at this stage, have more presence of dancers engaged in the activity professionally amateur way.

Agustina and Maksim behind was a pair of Choele Choel payments, Black river (Chandia and Suyay Diego Quiroga), and in third place two Russian (Dimitri's Irina Ponomareva Astafev). World this year touched the roof of his call-up 744 couples registered for Track category held last night, and Stage, that will crown a new partner today, after the last round of evaluation.

Agustina fell in love with the tango 15; his dance was one of the subjects of Polivalente Art Center, in Rio Grande. Fueguina traveler spirit, he moved to Buenos Aires and when he became a tango teacher found a job opportunity in Japan and from there by partió.Ads

Maksim was devoted to ballroom, the competitive and international dance is developed on the basis of five or six dance styles. But the choreography not attracted too. When he met tango competitions abandoned ballroom and dance dedicated to porteña hundred percent. It was not love Rome but what crossed his path. Because they are not a couple in everyday life but, almost three years, on the dancefloor.

The study and teaching of tango made them agree that Roman city. At that time the two had lost their dance partners and decided to take to the track together. How Did? “Spectacular”, said Agustina, after putting the last foot off the stage Luna Park, with his prize in hand and a smile from ear to ear. “Better”, Maksim added, with modest Spanish babbling interspersed with some English words.

But that was just a presentation. They took several months to make Agustina bags and traveled from Tokyo to Moscow to settle there for a while and develop a professional project that Maksim, evidently, He gave very good results with the prize of the World. Minutes before, on stage with microphone in hand Maksim sent greetings to his wife and Agustina thought of ordering his agenda, which will in the coming days a fleeting trip to Tierra del Fuego, to visit family.

“Maksim returns to Moscow, to meet Natasha -Resume Agustina. And we might just see each other again in a month. We are friends, dance partners and we will see what comes after this award. We are happy”.

Source: Mauro Apicella – La Nacion newspaper – 21 August 2019