Noelia Sinkunas: "Playing the piano is a time of release, connection with me "

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The composer berissense, who he was nominated for the Gardel, will advance songs from his new album "New York Sessions".

Noelia Sinkunas

Noelia Sinkunas he "loves to improvise", so it seemed appropriate, while he was traveling in Brooklyn, New York, record their new album, which he entitled "New York Sessions".

"It's a conceptual game because it was a crazy journey that came to me this year. I could burn in a very nice studio, del drummer Barry Manilow, with an incredible piano tail ", berissense recalled the artist. "When I was there I said 'I'm in the cradle of jazz and improvisation' and I thought it was good to do that, but also put my imprint, it has to do with tango, villera with cumbia and I am very happy with the result sound ".

So it was that went over, in dialogue with the day, the emergence of this album, tomorrow from the 21 will advance in Sala 420, 42 e/ 6 Y 7. "This is the pre-presentation of the album. The official release date will be in Capital, the 6 November in Urban Track ", said the pianist. The idea of ​​the cycle in La Plata is "exchange with artists from other genres, not only tango, to be more Nutra music ", so will share the stage with Nahuel Briones ("Bat more pop rock") and the pop band Franca.

"Smoker man" is the first release of this record material (It is having a "neoyorkina aesthetic" thanks to the work of visual art artist Max Aguirre) and according to the composer is "an instrumental version" of "The fumanchero", Damas Gratis. The concert will be heard tomorrow other "versions of popular songs Argentines" that are included in "New York Sessions", such as "The Tano Pastita", jet Pibes, a song by Gilda, a 'particular version "of tango" Por una cabeza "and" Baby One More Time ", de Britney Spears, "It is not Argentine but very popular", he said Sinkunas. In "Scenes from nothing to look", the first material solo, Noelia was "the need" to translate their ideas: "It was a job of putting forward voice, show me ". The good impact of this production led to receive the nomination for the Gardel Awards as "Best New Artist".

So she said let surprise with everything that happens in his career and so received the arrival of "New York Sessions". "Making an album costs a lot, but I find it more difficult the idea of ​​doing, the realization itself. I think it's good this way of doing what one likes, to enjoy the moment and whatever comes is terrific ". "I am given", he specified in terms of the expectation that the material has about: "If people like, terrific, and but.

I liked doing it and record it and every time I hear it I enjoy more ". THE PIANO When is opposite the piano feels he is "flying": "I can connect inside me, It is a strange feeling, as a means of meditation, a crazy thing ", he admitted Sinkunas, from playing 11 years and up to the stage from the 14 "Almost nonstop".

As for the connection to the instrument, He admitted that "somewhat" influenced the family legacy (It is the granddaughter and daughter of guitarists) but she had the "need" approach. He lived as "a very emotional moment," the arrival of his first piano at home: "He was playing all day, I said 'babe to eat' and I took my food.

I remember that very present, as being there and not being able to leave, as being trapped. But now I do not feel trapped, Unlike, It is a time of release, connection with me ". IN SOLITARIOI Noelia Sinkunas was born in Berisso, He studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts UNLP and from very small share stage with artists from different genres. At present, music composer integrates projects with high bondi, Cachitas now!, Julieta Laso, Unstable and Cucuza Trio Castiello. "Accompany singers I like, I enjoy it, but I always had this need to make my themes, but not inspiring. Until one day I said 'is already', I will release the album ".

That happened ago 2 years and was "whole experience" because "you are more exposed", He recognized the pianist who defines the feeling of being alone with her work as "different: on the one hand it gives me much pleasure and on the other hand gives me a lot of nerves and adrenaline, but I want to keep doing ".

As much enjoyment, Noelia invites the public to accompany her on the following day: "Not to be missed because we are the new generation of tango, we are doing to open the way music, our folklore, we actually never saw separately: we see it as a whole. Because music is there and music, coexists. I believe it and I'm so sorry ".

Source: Lucia Zapata – Daily Day (La Plata) – 27 September 2019