Omar Mollo: classic tangos of all time

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Embretao: Party and milonga, Play with fire, Balada para un loco, When you are not here, Absurd, Without you I am worthless, To go looking for you, Romance neighborhood, and others.

When the rock was synonymous with youth, one longhaired rocker sunglasses could be a rarity on stage tanguero. But since the Argentine rock is sexagenario that no longer rarity and the only thing Omar Mollo remains of singular, to others in a profound honesty, it's your own voice.

Omar likes the classic themes of the tango and that pleasure is what reconfirms in Embretao. “Romance neighborhood”, “Absurd”, “Balada para un loco”, “When you are not here”, “Throat with sand” O “Passional” (which it is the best version of the album).

The list is a good example of that choice and what sounds is a sign that Mollo, as well as traditional classics, also looking for a way to sing it, at this stage, It can also be considered classic. Because it takes very old pieces, as the foundational, “My sad night”, and crosses 100 years of tango to a song written last year (as he explained in the booklet of the CD, It is a tribute to Homero Exposito) almost the same register.

modulation, despite many goyenecheanos winks (and also sings folk songs), It does not refer to a time. Classic sounds from timeless and that's probably its quality.

Source: Mauro Apicella – The nation – of January of 2020