Oscar Lajad: "The tango and is not exclusive to the male"

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Lahad leads Oscar-winning show "Tango Corrupto, maches thing "for the fourth season in Villa Carlos Paz, with new songs from the popular repertoire in tango tempo.

Oscar Lajad

On Tuesday 6 of is incipient 2020 premiered a musical show with passages of humor that breaks the molds of one of the most historically conservative bastions in the genre. With a cafe concert style setup at first glance simple, short scenario, tables barely separated from the musicians by a small dance floor and three steps, the concert plays its chips little by little, like the experienced timbero who knows that going to the plenary session is a desperate measure.

“It is called Corrupt Tango because we corrupt prejudices”, says to La Nueva Mañana, Oscar Lajad, main voice and batonero of the show, and adds “the word comes from breaking and we break the prejudices that say that tango is old people's music.”, boring and from another era, and on the other hand, popular music is a minor genre. With the tango tempo we enhance those lyrics and give them another importance”.

The repertoire is not limited to any song and goes from quartet to Latin pop, climbing through children's songs of all eras, film and television music and even some surprises sung in an English-Spanish cocoliche. “The show was born from an idea of ​​mine to play with saying letters in a different way.”, to version. Since I was a child I picked up songs and sang them like tango because my grandmother was a tango singer.. That's how I came up with a show of covered songs, I didn't know how it could work because it was a big risk, but in the end it turned out well and people really enjoyed it, The same as us", Oscar account, which also clarifies: “I don't care about prejudice because the majority of the public enjoys our work”.

To read at tempo 2×4

As a child I got used to stuttering,
my father crooked my nose to teach me to speak.
More than a day I heard, when I was older,
the phrase with the most letters, the most atrocious word.
although it sounds extravagant, weird and scary!
If you say it easily it will sound harmonious,

Partying and partying

In its previous editions the work was enshrined in the La Falda Tango Festivals, Buenos Aires and Zárate, in addition to winning the Carlos awards 2018 (Best Concert Show, Mauricio Pregot as a male revelation, Rosalía Álvarez as best dancer and Oscar Lajad himself as best male singer) Y 2019 (Best live musicians) which are added to the five Hugo Awards for Musical Theater and 3 ACE Awards, awarded by the Association of Entertainment Chroniclers.

The strange evil looks at me without understanding

In this fourth season the show goes for more “because the challenge is inclusive. In times where inclusion is the order of the day, there are still letters that remain as witnesses of a country and a world that no longer exists.. What ofMaches Thing we did it by playing with inclusion, sharing this idea that society changed and tango is no longer the exclusive heritage of the male. you can be gay, trans or not so macho to enjoy it, sing it and dance it. That's from the last century. The world is changing and if you don't change with the world, you become extinct” Lajad closes.

On the stage, with touches of humor and reflection and in interaction with his orchestra, reviews and explains about 15 gender identities 50 what, as i read, exist". Walk the fine line of prejudice, both when speaking and when singing, for example, Supercalifragilísticoexpialidosus (Mary Poppins) the Chiquititas (Abba) to the rhythm of 2×4. But when the singer walks on the edge, his orchestra decides to cross it and cuts short, leaves dancers paying, singers and audience and starts with its own staging, in one of the most hilarious moments of the night.

The singer's outstanding presence deserves a separate paragraph. José María Rojas, the dancer Rosalia Alvarez and dancer Nicolas Tobares and the orchestra "The Unveiled" composed of Matthias Lanfranco one piano, Leonardo Pedrozo on bass, Fausto Salinas bandoneon and Mauricio Pregot violin and musical direction. The general direction of the work is in charge of Dario Petruzio.


Carlos Paz
Tuesday and Friday of January at 22
Luisa Theater Concert – Of. Uruguay and Liniers, Villa Carlos Paz.
General admission $400

City of Cordoba
Monday of January at 22
The Key Theater – Of. Gauss 5730
General admission $400
reservations 3516540933

Santa Rosa de Calamuchita (only function)
Saturday 18 from January at 22
Italian Sports Theater – Independence 5196, Santa Rosa de Calamuchita
General admission $400
Point of sale: theater ticket office

Source: https://lmdiario.com.ar/ – 10 of January of 2020