Who is Malena?
Often we commented on the need for tangueros to embody the protagonists of tangos, that is to say, recognize them…
Often we commented on the need for tangueros to embody the protagonists of tangos, that is to say, recognize them…
The 29 of January of 1926, 93 years ago, Goyeneche was born the unique Polish.
Chilean festival begins 28 January and ends 3 February, with a grid full of artists…
28 April 2017, Monteviejo theater, Buenos Aires. dancers: Celeste Kesseler and Diego Balbi. https://youtu.be/zRhOxFG5suc
It will take place next Saturday starting at 20 hours near the Municipal Palace. Adriana Varela act…
First book of stories by José Angel Trelles. https://www.joseangeltrelles.com/https://Fragment www.instagram.com/pepe_trelles/ "Still Soul", one of the tales "The…
Acho feat Estol. Chino Laborde, Album Buenosaurios. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = Haz8X7E7My4
Tango YES, Rotterdam, 3 June 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = Fb6y6SZ1xKU
Track number 10 CD "Anda" (2016). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = lBluwttNLJE
guest dancers: Juan Malizia and Manuela Rossi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = U2fv4i1fo8g