“Tango”, Argentina's first sound film

  • Post category:Cambalache

Make 86 years the first sound film premiered Argentina, Tango, Bart Luis Moglia directed and starring Tita Merello, Alberto Gómez, Pepe Arias and Libertad Lamarque.


Tango tells the story of Tita (Tita Merello), Buenos Aires suburb of a girl running off with Alberto (Alberto Gómez), the handsome neighborhood, leaving heartbroken Pepe (Pepe Arias), the singer man who loves her.

In the tangle to regain the love of Tita, enter the scene Luis Sandrini, Libertad Lamarque, Azucena Maizani, Mercedes Simone, among the many stars who devoted themselves in Argentine cinema in the heart of Buenos Aires. It was the first sound film Argentina and this is his story ...

The movie, directed by Luis Moglia Bart, It premiered on 27 April 1933 Real living in Buenos Aires Film.

With short dialogues and multiple adventures between songs, the actors play memorable tangos with the most prestigious orchestras of the time, as Edgardo Donato, Juan de Dios Filiberto, Osvaldo Fresedo, Pedro Maffia, Ernesto Ponzio, Luis Visca and Juan Carlos Bazán. In this way, the musical film could capture with emotion and loyalty to their viewers and began to settle in popular culture.

Tango It was the first film by the film producer and distributorArgentina Sono Film, company that would become one of the most important in the country, effect today.

For 1933, there were two companies, Argentina Sono Film YLumiton.Only for a few daysTango It was the first sound film.

Thethree Berretines, the producerLumiton, directed by Enrique Susini Telemachus, and had starring Luis Sandrini, Luisa Vehil, Luis Arata and orchestras of Aníbal Troilo and Osvaldo Fresedo, days after it was released, the 19 May 1933. It is counted on three main berretines of Buenos Aires: football, tango and cinema.

The popular sensitivity, the Buenos Aires costumbrismo, conventillo, uprootedness, were an emotional mirror for public receptors that enabled the development of domestic industry; mainly, urban workers who came from different provinces and immigrants.

Another kick that came from the hand of Tango, that was used for recording the novelty of the Movietone system, which allowed recording the soundtrack on the same support as the image.

The implementation of optical sound was another factor that made the film industry grow. further, in many cases it allowed the public to know the faces of their favorite figures of radioteatro.

Between 1933 Y 1945, Argentina became the main center of production and distribution of films in Spanish. Along with Mexico and Brazil, national cinema was one of the most developed in Latin America.

Tango (1933), three Berretines (1933), Riachuelo(1934), Thesoul of bandoneón (1935), The boys did not wear hair gel(1937) part of the genesis of the national cinema. Workers, housewives, Buscavida immigrants and filled the halls.

By 1940 there were 174 theaters in Buenos Aires and the entry cost 75 cents, a value much lower compared to the localities for theater. In the neighborhoods also they functioned small rooms offering a continuous two, three, four films at low cost.

Tango It is a gem that you can see online to enjoy a love story, heartbreak and classic adventure of our culture and popular soul. further, It is an opportunity to enjoy listening to classical: "Malevaje", by Juan de Dios Filiberto Orchestra, "Go", played by Libertad Lamarque, "Milonga Sentimental", by Mercedes Simone.

further, Azucena can be passionate about Maizani"The song of Buenos Aires" and the classic Homero Manzi, "Milonga del 900", Tita Merello a young dazzle with his tricks and successes Alberto Gomez singing duoGomez-Vila.

As they described by the newspapers of the time "(…) more than a movie, It is a kind of little cage within which they sing calenders and the thrushes mented the native song, among which has crept, naturally, occasional sparrow. But the truth is you'll quickly hear them sing ".

Source: serargentino.com – 27 April 2019