The day that Gardel sang "Caminito" Garcia Lorca

  • Post category:Cambalache

It was during the visit of the Spanish poet who revolutionized the city for six months.

Gardel - García Lorca
Carlos Gardel and Federico García Lorca theater hall met in Corrientes and Libertad. The Andalusian poet arrived in the country in October 1933.

Federico Garcia Lorca spent six months in Buenos Aires and revolutionized the city. He landed 13 October 1933 El Conte Large. Grenadian gave lectures, presented works, radios recited poems, He wandered down the street Corrientes and Avenida de Mayo, He endeared him standing in theaters, out in every day. A midnight Lorca Smart left the theater (today Multiteatro). He was with the poet and journalist César Time: "In Corrientes and Libertad two arms and a smile came to meet. There was a stir of curiosity around us. The man of the meeting was Carlos Gardel. I introduced Federico. They mixed in a hug ". A witness to the encounter which took place theatre- hall was Ben Molar, key figure in the spread of tango.

1st July 1973, Clarin, César Weather (1906-1980) He recalled that, after the embrace, Lorca were with Gardel department, who sang with his guitar “Caminito”, “Mendocinos carnations”, “tropilla”, “My black flowers”. In the biography of the poet who wrote Ian Gibson (2011) He adds that the Andalusian Spanish songs played that night on the piano. Carlos Gardel died on 24 June 1935 in the plane crash in Medellin. García Lorca was shot by a squadron Franco 1936. Buenos Aires always have.

Source: Clarin newspaper – 26 May 2019