Filleted, the Buenos Aires art that conquered the world

  • Post category:Cambalache

With its delicate lines and floral endings, This World Heritage continues to surprise.

filleting Buenos Aires

His Excellency Jorge Luis Borges once said that to Buenos Aires understood "as eternal as water and air". This very notion of rootlessness to the passage of time is carrying some traditions of Argentina's capital; and filleting, a typographic and decorative art, It is undoubtedly an example master.

A reinvented tradition

The social context of their origin resembles that of the very tango: the growing working class of the nineteenth century, for chariots, markets and immigration gradually turned the people into citizens. Nowadays, bright colors and floral endings avocan a sense of nostalgia in any porteño.

But nevertheless, and just as in the genre of 2 × 4, the fileteadocontinúa reinventing and still remains valid, allowing customs evolve but never die. At present, young artists, graphic designers, painters and, even, tattooists flicking a filleting as a source of inspiration and decide to rediscover in its multiple formats.

Gustavo Ferrari, of 35 years, It is a welcome example of the above. While still he retains his position at the antique fair in San Telmo Sunday, also instructs young people around the world in the art of filleting, both in his own workshop in Buenos Aires as on their trips to five continents. Roughly, Ferrari designs and traditional pieces, at the same time, also it intends to break the mold, interspersing bright colors with black and white models incorporating new applications.

"The tangos of 30 Y 40 They spoke of the city of its time, but the orchestras of today have to talk about the Buenos Aires now, and the same goes for filleting ", He says who took this call to the 18 barrial years for his legacy and, Likewise, as a way to rest from the books while studying history at the University.

"In the 80 filleting was still something very special; It was too popular and colorinche. It was difficult time since the old master began to die ", account. But nevertheless, Ferrari recalls: "One of my first visual memories of kid growing up in the Abasto was that of the mural León Untroib Gardel made on line B, which is still in force. It was an amazing thing that caught my attention by the shapes and colors ".

Synonymously with identity

Its passage by the Faculty of History gives credit to explain the legacy of filleting and his intimate relationship with the visual identity porteña. Of humble origin, its development in this port city was the result of the final push toward Italian immigrants of the nineteenth century. They used the technique to decorate their wooden carts marketing; First, with minimal details; then, incorporating the initials of their owners.

With the years, the fileteadores doubled the bet and added to their intangible vocabulary birds, dragons, acanthus flowers and an implicit application manual, with rules about sizes and balancing elements. As well, They perfected their strokes and strategies; barniz engaged in hand, by case, allowed to create new volumes and maintain the strength of the colors.

In the years 20 Y 30, theboom of filleting it was based on beautifying trucks and buses (buses). The drivers themselves have competed for the most artistic piece andante; later and they assigned them names and vehicles, even, phrases that identify.

"The truck was a working tool but, as well, the space where its owner expressed himself with pride at what he had accomplished ", Ferrari starts. "The fileteadores first walked around the market for them to see the rest of the greengrocers and only then put it at the owner. The next day, others came and told: 'Did you see the truck that just made? Good, Make me one much better ' ", reports.

Filleting is an art that requires great skill and dedication. The working tool are few brushes 4 Y 4,5 Hair cm cow ear that allow continuous lines without renewing painting. The artist holds three fingers, using the little finger to hold the weight and guide movement. "When you start to do that you realize its complexity and the amount of practice required to do well and, truly, That's fascinating ", Explain. "Hardly anyone has ever awakened with the innate genius to make a perfect filleting".

At first, its popularity grew hand in hand with the tourism tanguero, nowadays, It is used to express the true and authentic Buenos Aires gene. Fashionable again, It is an increasingly important partnership since UNESCO declared it as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity 2015.

"There was a general return to revalue the manual trade above computer work", Ferrari starts. And clarifies: "Always in places like La Boca, San Telmo or Abasto is more visible but now it is spreading. Filleting is recognized in the world as art and not as a commercial ".

What if we paint us?

One giant leap for discipline was passed to decorate vehicles people start painting .... Gustavo Ferrari designedtattoos for visitors from around the world (to remember a German who wanted to tattoo the word "tango" in the arm to make it look as she held her dance partner).

The pioneer of this trend was Claudio Momenti, a tattooist Lucky Seven, Local located in Recoleta Bond Street. "In Japan, take precedence tattoos mythological animals and images of the 1600. With the intent filleting give something indigenous to our own history to compete with that ", afirma Moments. "It is a cultural and historical icon, but I see a lot of strength in the elements that have, in their flowers and dragons. I would not generate nostalgic, but joy ", keep going.

The beginning was not easy. First he had to incorporate the stroke of the thread to the skin and, Of course, They were not many artists who could help: "Teachers who had, that very few, They were very closed most. They would not teach or help ", Explain. "They did it secretly, there were things that did not let you saw how it was done ... and over other tattooists laughed at me ", supports.

Partly by Maradona and other world stars, in Argentina tattoos are fashionable many years ago. Momenti attracts the attention of his European colleagues, who discussed him filleting has become a recognized and applauded style. Raised this panorama, so: who was able to move him all that knowledge?

From Argentina to the world

Alfredo Genovese, He commissioned to understand what was the scope and potential of filleting, he studied with Leon Untroib (1911- 1994) and Ricardo Gómez (1926- 2011). Reports that began to work it simply because it was something complex, abandoned and saw adaptable to modern times. And what if he has succeeded, limited editions of shoes for Nike or Coca-Cola bottles and Evian and, even, a series of deliveries for Tupperware. "It is crafted and perhaps this draws much nostalgia, but for me it is fully effective ", Explain.

After studying art in 80, Genovese decided to travel the world to find something similar. His conclusion? There was nothing like filleting. "The gypsy wagons in England, in Tibet or Pakistan has elements in common but are not equal. Filleting born here in Buenos Aires, with vivid colors and its false sense of volume ", follow.

Looking for a challenge that meets their expectations, Genovese believes that decorating a plane could be a good alternative: "I would like, It would be moved around like a work of art long-range touring ". Undoubtedly, in this way it would work to spread our artistic treasure precious.

Source: – 9 April 2019