The history of the tango in Paris

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Odile Fillion presents the documentary short and musicaliza a milonga.

Odile Fillion

Sunday 6 October, 19:00 hs. – the Dome – CCK.

journalist, French documentary filmmaker and DJ Odile Fillion reaches the CCK to present Stories Tango, a series of animated shorts about the history of the tango in Paris. The meeting will be attended by Tito Rivadeneira Artistic work-investigator Angel Villoldo- as a commentator and contributor. After the screening, Fillion musicalize a milonga at the Dome.

Tickets are free and can be withdrawn in person from Tuesday 1 October, of 12 a 19, Sarmiento 151, until capacity of the room (and up to two tickets per person). They can also be booked through this page. Reservations must be removed from the same Tuesday, of 12 a 19, and up to two hours before the show.

After the death of the Argentine tango historian Nardo Zalko, Odile Fillion began an extensive investigation in order to discover who orchestrated the international launch of the tango. It rests, for it, little known materials found in digital library collections worldwide. Throughout this search, warns the central role that the spaces were opened by businessman Charles Seguin, as rich as visionary. Family files to which he had access did nothing to confirm this intuition and recompose allowed unknown some frames of these “stories of tango”, of which there are many episodes for writing.

Odile Fillion CCK from music CCK on Vimeo.

About Odile Fillion

Odile Fillion It is director of videos and visual installations and journalist specializing in design and architecture. His passion for tango took to film, in 2007, two documentaries related to the topic: Paris tango and Buenos Aires Y Tete and Silvia, milongueros. Since 2000, Fillion musicaliza some Parisian milongas such as you Rétro, Nix Nox, Latin and Tango Barge. It was chosen by the City of Buenos Aires to rock the milongas of the Book Fair in Paris and the International Tango Festival Tarbes 2019.
