The sad life of Ada Falcón, “the empress of tango” that could not overcome the heartbreak

  • Post category:Cambalache

Muse was the maestro Francisco Canaro, with whom he had an affair and secret. At the pinnacle of success, the singer left everything to retreat to a convent of Córdoba until his death. The hypothesis of autoexilio.

Ada Falcón

By Fernanda Jara

Photo: Color portrait Ada led Falcone.

His green eyes stopped seeing this world4 of January of 2002 within a religious asylum. Religion was precisely the activity that Ada Falcón She hid herself 1942 when he decided to leave the music and life of luxury. It was Franciscan and said he felt God and therefore disappeared from public life when it is most needed. He died at the 96 years of natural causes, In cordoba.

His life was mysterious and lived in the time when there was personal. Versions of the reasons why he left Fame linkingFrancisco CanaroAs responsible, with whom he shared more than just work. It is believed that the damaged relationship maintained while after putting itself in order, their only option was seclusion, first at his home in Palermo, then religion, to the point of devote himself to her and seclusion in a convent with her mother.

In the eyes of others I had everything: fame and money that equaled American stars of the moment, He was respected and won by dint of talent in a world earned by men.

He had started his career 15 July 1925 when he recorded his first album accompanied by the orchestra ofOsvaldo Fresedo for the labelVictor, after which he became one of the forerunners among 1923 Y 1930 woman's voice put to music that seemed colonized by men. They were on scene Rosita Quiroga and Azucena Maizani, which they debuted in albums 1923. In 1927 They joined the female wave Mercedes Simone and Tita Merello, in 1927, YTania He came in 1930.

His career was short but great: he recorded three films, of which staged a, and by the middle of the decade 1930 It was one of the most important tango singers. The audience admired her power of interpretation, and as heartfelt as his; although he was reluctant to contact people, they loved.

In 1933, canaro, conductor with whom he worked until his retirement, He gave her the waltzI do not know what made me your eyes. With director lives the height of his career and earn good money. But in 1942 He decided to leave everything and with her mother, who at 5 years boosted his career, moves from Buenos Aires.

The career of Ada Falcón: fame and loneliness

Aída Elsa Ada Falcone He was born17 August 1905 a stay Ituzaingó Party and was the youngest daughter Cornelia Boesio, who he was married with Dominic Falcone and had an affair with Miguel Nazar Anchorena, one tucumano rancher who died in France without knowing his daughter.

Has his biography that when he was 4 years told his mother he wanted to sing, I wish women encouraged: He debuted as “The Argentina joyita” the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul where he appeared with the surname “Falcón”, at the request of his mother.

In1919, with 14 years, He participated in the silent filmThe Feast of the caranchoswhich were no footprintsHis artistic career was constantly rising and prevented him from going to school, so he received lessons at home.

Until the 15 July 1925 varietés alternated with pictures from magazines. That day began his work in the recording room RCA Victor with orchestraOsvaldo Fresedo. Thus she became the third woman in Argentina to record an album of tango.

In 1929 recorded 14 themes for the Odeon label with pianistEnrique Delfino and guitarist Manuel Parada.

The 24 July that year he began his employment withFrancisco Canaro and his orchestra. They recordedLa morocha and they followed other 180 meetings: They recorded at the rate of fifteen discs per month. In those months he debuted inRadio Culture, stentorian, Splendid, Argentina, Prieto, BelgranoY The world. Ada was at the peak of his career.

For 1934 The film was sound and returned to the big screen when director Eduardo Morera who made protagonistRadio idol beside Ignacio CorsiniYTita Merello. There he sangI do not know what made me your eyes, vals that gave him Canaro. Then Ada's green eyes dazzled all who watched. “What eyes! You can not imagine what it was I. It was enough to look at my cheeks dimpling, teeth, the legs. Said Discépolo me: 'It's so divine, who does evil look '”, He told the newspaperClarion in 1992.

In 1935 He reached its period of splendor and decided not to make public presentations, so that Radio El Mundo -where played live the best orquestas- left his disposal a small room. Did not want to have contact with the audience that filled the largest room. It says its air of Hollywood diva took her to the eccentricity and doing things like riding his red convertible and run from Palermo to Vicente Lopez for the wind will dry your hair.

The 28 September 1938 ended the employment relationship with Francisco Canaro and his performances were becoming increasingly sporadic. A year later he sang behind a curtain that hid even their own musicians. In 1942, he recorded his last album with the tangoChained heart and the waltz I'll live with your memory, Canaro and Ivo Pelay.

His relationship with Francisco Canaro: love and disappointment

It is suspected that the decision of Falcon to live in seclusion for 60 years is linked to its relationship with Canaro, who would have been fellow musicians and lovers of 10 years while he was married to a French.

They had met the 24 July 1929 when Ada recorded the chorus of tangoLa Morocha.He was a musician, composer and conductor of the orchestra to which young Falcon was integrated. Apparently the impact between the two was immediate and too strong.

The reasons that led away from Canaro Ada are unclear, but a musician in the orchestra director and biographer then had two versions: Ada insisted to Canaro to separate from his wife to marry her, thing he would have accepted, but he did not because he knew that the French would keep half of his fortune.

The other version says that while the lovers lay a presentation and Ada sat on the foothills of the French Canaro entered the room, He pulled a gun from her purse and threatened the life of the singer who ran.

Other versions say Adhelma, her older sister, and Canaro had an intimate relationship and to learn more Ada that never again speak.

Thelatest Ada Falcón years

In one of the few exceptional interviews achieved in 1982, Falcon said: “In his youth I had riches and beauty, I had a wonderful vision of the Lord and did not hesitate a moment to drop everything and recluirme in the mountains with Mamita, in a Franciscan convent, and live humbly. Since I was born, I slept with my mother, and his death shattered me”. Ada's mother died in 1977 more than 90 years after the singer hid herself lost in a retirement home in third Franciscan character.

His retirement in the late 40 He surprised the room. He lived in a luxury house Palermo, He had two high-end cars and everything sold handing out much of its profit among some of his acquaintances. He moved with his mother to a simple house in Salsipuedes, amid the mountains of Cordoba.

He was there until 1989 and he returned to Buenos Aires where he accused the Odeon record of not wanting to reissue albums (it was learned that she denied those rights) and he drew his sister Adhelma singing in small places impersonating her and signing autographs with his name.

Adelm, two years older, also he sang but never managed to have the reputation of Ada and stopped having contact the same year he retired. In that report to which acceded after years of silence she said about her: “For thirty years he claimed another person all my rights; It was revenge of a powerful person who has died, I said that I would starve”. It is believed that the powerful who was Canaro who died concerned the 14 from December to 1964.

As the years began to weigh decided to retreat into the nursing home of the Sisters of St. Camillus, located in the town of Molinari, near Cosquín.

The last interview of Ada Falcón

Shortly before his death he agreed to an interview again for the award-winning documentary about his lifeI do not know what made me your eyes, Sergio Wolf and Lorena Muñoz, where behind a thick glass lenses and hair hidden by a black network is seen in profile seeing herself.

The documentary won his last image after 60 years: It ends with the face of an old woman, a little lost in her memories and disease that ailed. Wolf delves him what his great love, in clear reference Canaro.“I do not remember”, He said almost tearfully.

The documentary makes watching a movie where she acts and does listen to your recordings. Hardly recognized. Look at the pictures and refers to the young woman who sees in the third person: “Poor Ada!… “poor Canaro!”, he repeated as if they were the same person. That invaluable materials received an awardSilver Condor, a prizeClarion, two awards Film Festival of Havana and other BAFICI as Best Documentary 2004

The house he lived in Salsipuedes, It has been recycled and turned into a private museum in 2013, known as Casona & Museo La Joyita, in which furniture preserved, artwork and memorabilia from the singer.

Falcon Ada died of natural causes 96 years in the nursing home of the Congregation of San Camilo, in the town of Molinari, a 5 kilometers of Cosquín. His remains were transferred to Buenos Aires, where they were buried in the pantheon of SADAIC in the Chacarita cemetery,a few meters from Canaro.

Source: daily Infobae – 4 of January of 2019