"Giovannísima and urban"

  • Post category:News

The Uruguayan singer Giovanna performs in Buenos Aires with an eclectic and endearing repertoire, with an emphasis on tango creations, candombe, poetry and urban music of oriental style.


THURSDAY 18 of July – 21:00 hs
Guest artist: Mariana Borghi
Urban track: Chacabuco 874 San Telmo – CABA
BOOKINGS (011) 4361-3015
Tickets $250

Accompanied on the piano by her personal friend and adventure sharecropper, the master. Alvaro Hagopián, Giovanna performs in Buenos Aires.

Each meeting has a guest. In the first edition – in the month of February- , was the extraordinary and beloved bassist -also oriental-, Daniel Maza. He was followed by the poet and performer Fernando Noy, then the also Uruguayan poet José Arenas, the poet and actress Isabel de la Fuente. In July, the guest will be the double bass player Mariana Borghi.


"Personality, character, presence, interpretation and beauty. She is unique, different. It doesn't look like anyone ... "

Rubén Juárez.

GIOVANNA is a Uruguayan singer with an uninterrupted career of 20 years in tango. His proposal is histrionic and intense in concept and interpretation. Tango can be anything, less “light”. Its originality is planted in a strong aesthetic proposal, a very careful selection of repertoire, and the excellence of the musicians with whom he has decided to work and record throughout his career, including: Ruben Juarez, Hugo Fattoruso, Jose Pepo Ogivieki, Mario Nunez, Silvio Ortega, Alvaro Hagopian, Julio Cobelli, among many others.

More than 10 years working in collaboration with the Mtro. Alvaro Hagopian, who has been in charge of the musical direction of all his shows.

She is currently closing the recording of an album in which she is accompanied by the guitar quartet * Ricacosa. *

He has also recorded two albums, the first of them: “Tango”, was recorded in Montevideo and Buenos Aires and released by the New York label Tonos Records, in the year 2007. At, Giovanna is accompanied by Mario Núñez, Julio Cobelli, Hugo Fattoruso, Rubén Juárez, Cono Castro and Mariano Barroso. Also the remembered Rubén Juárez- who was his artistic godfather- recorded some songs in that production.

In 2010, his second album is released: “Rusty tango”, in which he dedicates himself to a repertoire based on the oriental contribution to tango, performing work by Alberto Mastra, Juan Carlos Patron, Víctor Soliño, Federico Silva, Jose Label. The musical arrangements were written by Hugo Fattoruso, Álvaro Hagopián, Joseph Ogivieki, Leonel Gasso and Cristian Zárate. As well, has rescued and incorporated into its repertoire some arrangements by the pianist César Zagnoli and the bandoneonist Luis Di Matteo. Tangoxída was nominated in the category Best tango album at the Graffiti Awards 2011.

Since 1998 to our days, He has taken his singing to festivals and theaters in many different parts of the world: Buenos Aires, Miami, New York, Chicago, Expo Lisbon 98, One, Oslo, Recife, Milan Expo 2015, mLuanda, Roma, Turin, Beijing, Shanghai.

In 2016 The People's Republic of China declares her Cultural Ambassador to that country, on the occasion of its participation in the opening of the celebrations for the year of cultural exchange between China and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

It is worth highlighting his work to disseminate Tango in National Universities of the Buenos Aires suburbs during the year 2012, and at the University of Sapienza (Roma) and Macerata in the year 2014.


  • “Tango”, Tones Records. USA, 2006
  • "Tangoxided", MMG Music. Mvd, 2010


  • Iris Revelation of Tango Award. El País newspaper, 1997
  • Rusty tango, nominated for Graffiti Awards 2010
  • Competitive Fund for Culture Award 2012 Y 2014
  • "Montevideo Azul", National Music Award 2015
  • "Tango Dream", National Music Award 2016
  • In 2016 is declared "Cultural Ambassador" by the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China within the framework of the Year of Cultural Exchange of China with Latin American countries.